MPP Global has been acquired by Aptitude Software, the specialist provider of subscription & finance solutions. We have now merged brands and migrated our website to Aptitude Software.

eSuite for Publishing

Paywalls, Subscriber Management & Billing Software for Newspapers & Magazines

Save Time & Cost with a Single Cloud Platform to Manage All Subscribers

Enable a range of profitable reader revenue initiatives for print, digital & physical products using our SaaS platform.

The secret to growing your publishing revenues and future-proofing your business is having the technology to take you forward to enable complementary print & digital strategies.

Use eSuite to offer your readers all kinds of content packages, including subscriptions, one-time products, gifts, corporate & family subscriptions, memberships and more. Increase conversions by giving your subscribers the ability to choose their own curated product bundles, from your catalogue of print, digital, apps & physical offers.

Centralize product management and deploy a range of customer checkout & self-care journeys at the click of a button, configured and launched centrally in minutes using the eSuite SDK. Align processes across the enterprise, providing a single customer view that can be harnessed to maximize reader revenues and the performance of your services. By centralizing your data and back office management, you can offer subscribers a more streamlined front-end experience and reduce barriers to purchase.

Publishing Solutions

Find Innovative Solutions to Manage Your Business & Customers

Bundle & Unbundle Print & Digital

Simplify integrations and process around print & digital bundling, including tax and refund management, using eSuite's cart functionality. Pre-define bundles or let your customers build their own personalized packages to increase engagement and retention.

Flexible Offer & Promotion Management

Easily launch and optimize offers for maximum subscriber acquisition & conversion success. Configure any promotion from free trials, percentage discounts, voucher codes or custom coupons in order to incentivize visitors to convert from readers into paying subscribers.

Easily Manage Access Control

Our paywall capabilities are second to none. Hard, soft or metered paywalls, we facilitate any business model. Our simple interface enables non-technical users to test, launch and refine a range of access conditions, eliminating the need for technical resource.

Identity Management & CRM

Streamline operational processes by centralizing your customer data in a single cloud platform. Mitigate risk with our fully secure, GDPR compliant data processing & management. Improve your subscriber experience by offering Single & Social Sign-on and our pre-built B2B & B2C customer self-care pages.

Delivery & Publication Calendars

Put the customer at the heart of how, when and where they receive content with eSuite's Delivery Calendar. Enable customers to define multiple addresses and the delivery pattern, including the ability to redirect or suspend delivery for holidays. eSuite's Publication Calendar enables you to configure annual distribution schedules.

Flexible Product Management

Launch new products, services, bundles & user journeys instantly, without technical resource. Future-proof your business by continually innovating your publishing products and drive supplementary revenues from premium content – whether that’s on a one-time purchase, day pass or simply showing a weekly price.

Billing & PCI-DSS Compliancy

Retail products in any currency, payment type, or country; enabling you to tap into fragmented audiences and additional revenue opportunities all within our pre-built, customisable PCI Level 1 compliant payment pages. Reduce barriers to purchase by using a single eWallet across all products for recurring billing & one-click transactions.

Churn Management

eSuite enables you to understand churn patterns, reduce involuntary payment breakage, maximize subscriber retention and stabilize your bottom line. Predict when subscribers are most likely to churn and employ win-back marketing campaigns with personalized voucher codes, discounts and offers.

Consolidated Reporting

Make insightful business decisions that increase your bottom line. Increase operational efficiencies with eSuite by analyzing all your data under one roof including: tax management, finance & fulfilment reporting, churn prediction, subscription analytics and more; all consolidated within a single platform.

Jellyfish CoNNect Headshot

Our partnership with MPP Global has been very close; we’ve run several events together and off the back of those we’ve gained an increased customer client base. They’ve made multiple introductions for us to several newspapers.

Adam Osborn

Head of Technology

Yomiuri Shimbun Headshot

The reason we selected MPP Global is because it’s a service where we could separate our readers, domestic and foreign, to give separate services. Before MPP Global, the system did not allow us to have such a service, so we were looking for something that would allow us to do that

Ms. Yuki Hasegawa

Former Deputy Managing Editor, The Yomiuri Shimbun


Built for You

Powering Media Through Subscriptions & Billing

National Newspapers

Enable multiple paid content models that boost readership and generate recurring revenue by leveraging an increased understanding of customer behavior.

Regional Newspapers

Our analytics module helps you understand your audience and become a powerful online media business whilst establishing new and alternative revenue streams for your quality regional content.

B2C Magazines

Selecting a fully integrated platform gives you the flexibility you need to develop a digital strategy that offers customized content, catering specific interests on every channel.

B2B Magazines

Take control of product launches and reduce the time and cost of getting to market. Acquire, develop, monetize, and retain subscriber relationships.

See How We Helped
'How Jysk Fynske Medier’s Digital Transformation Accelerated Their Subscription Revenues'

Jysk Fynske Medier (JFM) is Denmark’s largest local and regional newspaper group. They were looking for a solution that would unlock greater flexibility and agility for their digital subscription propositions. JFM selected MPP Global...


eSuite was perfectly positioned to take JFM’s digital commerce operation to the next level, giving us the functionality needed to engage our audiences throughout the complete subscriber lifecycle. Providing a seamless experience to our customers with an efficient, digital-first subscription and billing management platform was key to our decision process.

Jeppe Uhre Havgaard Bjerrum Head of Subscription, Sales and Service, Jysk Fynske Medier

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