Advertising Making an Impression on Smartphones

MPP Global Posted by MPP Global on Thursday, 28 July 2011

Mobile paid clicks and advertisements are on the increase according to a leading digital Marketing agency. This is despite only 21% of retailers and brands such as Facebook and Zara offering mobile optimised content; users are still searching for and viewing websites which are not tailored for mobile use. Smartphone users are increasingly making the most of the advertisements they see on their mobiles, with a dramatic uplift in mobile paid search clicks over the past year, Q2 mobile clicks totalling 8% compared to the 6.5% figure seen on Q1. In light of these figures, and with more retailers pushing products to the smartphone , will this prompt retailers to maximise their advertising and marketing techniques through Mobile PPC?

Optimising web content for mobile use will enhance retailer’s opportunities to offer products to an audience eager to make purchases on their smartphone. With the rise of mobile use and PPC clicks, it is expected that by the end of 2011 we will see 10% of website traffic coming from mobile devices. Statistics also show mobile cost per click advertising is 39% cheaper than desktop clicks, giving retailers another reason to rethink their strategies and convert to an mCommerce based campaign and mobile optimised content. With the majority of the high street retailers slow to uptake this new channel, and the relatively cheap cost incurred through mobile advertising it is a ripe time for more forward thinking retailers to enhance their mobile offerings.

As Smartphone users continue to use their mobiles to research and make mCommerce transactions, brands and companies should take note of what channels their customers are using to purchase their products. Converting to mobile offerings and eCommerce powered sales should ensure that the modern consumer continues purchasing on the 21stcentury high street on their mobile.

MPP Global offer the payment solutions required for eCommerce driven mobile optimised content through a centralised management facility.