Digital to Double Print Sales in 5 Years, Say Publishing Executives

MPP Global Posted by MPP Global on Wednesday, 15 May 2013

In a recent poll carried out by MPP Global, over 40% of publishing executives predicted digital edition sales to surpass print revenues by over 200% within the next 5 years.

The publishing industry has been busily developing eCommercestrategies to maximise the returns of their digital offerings. The monetisation of online content has rewritten publishing. Metered paywalls are now industry standard, a means of turning visitors into subscribers; generating numerous new streams of revenue.

A diversity of online payment solutions allow publishers to understand, serve and retain customers with greater efficiency and surety. Loyal readers are eager to read quality content in a customisable fashion on a variety of devices, anywhere, anytime.

MPP Globalare the leading provider of paywall technology to the publishing and media industries with clients including News International, Unidad Editorial and Telegraph Media Group. As industry innovators as well as leaders, MPP Global are often called upon for their expertise in the ever-changing world of eCommerce solutions.

Conducted during a webinar hosted by MPP Globalexamining the challenges and opportunities for the publishing industry in the burgeoning tablet economy, the survey found that nearly half of all publishers polled believe that digital sales will double print revenues in 2018.

The future of publishing is digital and the future of the digital world is in tablet devices. With tablet sales exceeding those of PCs and laptops whilst generating more traffic than smartphones, tablets have filled a void in the online world. Nearly half of all tablet owners consume news on their device with two-thirds having a news app installed.

Paul Johnson, Chief Executive Officer for MPP Global said, “The evidence is around us every day, people love reading digital material. Responsive, mobile, customisable and dynamic; the world of digital publishing is poised for unparalleled growth and MPP Global is here to provide the best in eCommerce and payment solutions.”

“Not since the industrial revolution has society witnessed such rapid progress – a progress that has had an immediate impact on daily life. At a breakneck pace, how we create, publish, consume and share content is changing – exciting times, no doubt.”