Jaeger won’t catch cold

MPP Global Posted by MPP Global on Friday, 25 November 2011

Recent economic news has generally been bad; everyone is wondering which of the Euro zone countries will be the next to hit the headlines after the problems in Greece and Italy and the underlying issues in France and the Iberian situation.

The UK is hardly any better, but this is not the time to be introspective and certainly this week’s news that Jaeger has opened a mobile transaction site means that it may be a warm winter at HQ.

There is a forecast that mCommerce transactions will increase by 80% over the next six months and despite those companies which have now missed the boat for Christmas finding trading difficult this winter, there is no reason not to seek out the payment solutions experts who can bring a business closer to the consumer by developing eCommerce solutions and payment gateways to meet the enormous increase in smart phone ownership, and their use for mCommerce.

After seeing traffic to its site double this year, and contribute 8% of its total turnover, the traditional knitwear brand has responded to demand from the consumer for improved technology and so Jaeger’s response is a one click transaction checkout aimed at mCommerce users. The changes incorporate the ability to shop in a range of currencies and are up to the minute technology which Jaeger’s customers would expect.

Worryingly however, mobile users report that many retailers websites are simply not of a quality to load correctly when accessed by Android users, and with over half the sales of smart phones in the last quarter coming via Android; it could prove to be a cold winter for some retailers who are desperately looking for a Christmas boost after the recent recession.

With mCommerce set to continue its rapid growth, retailers must reach out to payment technology providers to provide the adequate infrastructure to handle the increase in mobile based transactions, following the example set by Jaeger, or face being shut out in the cold come Christmas 2012.