Smartphone Security Puts Users at Risk

MPP Global Posted by MPP Global on Tuesday, 31 May 2011

With Android edging out Apple to lead the smartphone market, we have to ask the question are we getting ahead of ourselves in terms of security? And will this technology pose more threat than support for our personal and business data?

For security to be taken seriously, consumers need to recognise and understand that this technology poses a serious security risk, and should better protect their own details. Android and iPhone have strong brand loyalty amongst followers but both will need to strengthen their security protocols to ensure those relationships remain strong. After the initial furore of recent product releases, users are repeatedly finding themselves victims of hacking, and a steady increase of users shopping via their smartphone, security concerns are being flagged.

Studies have found that Apple’s iPhone in particular is susceptible to malicious hackers accessing personal data and even gaining control of the phone via viruses placed within documents and text messages specifically designed to defraud. Many companies are turning back to Blackberry to ensure sensitive company data is secure with 57% of business users agreeing that the iPhone is the worst mobile device threat in the work place, and Blackberry having a higher level of security.  Android users are equally are vulnerable to attacks via apps such as Facebook, Google or Twitter.

With the continuing move for media providers to monetise their digital content on mobile devices and contactless payments already an option, payments are set to dramatically increase which will only lead to further concern about the safety of personal information and payment data.

Mobile Commerce is dramatically increasing with 90% of 25-34 year olds confident making transactions online utilising their smartphones. This particular demographic also demonstrates the core of the iPhone and Android buying market. With these particular spending habits and security concerns it is clear that online internet security as well as eCommerce payment security will be paramount in the industry, and the pressure is firmly on the phone manufacturers.

Paul Johnson, CEO at MPP Global, the leading provider of Payment Services and eCommerce Solutions, said: “The provision of secure eCommerce technology across multiple channels is a complex arena which requires experience and the dexterity to ensure solutions are fully integrated with the manufacturer.

Manufacturers, Retailers, Media and Entertainment companies must understand that in the light of recent security breaches customers payment details are increasingly accessible to fraud and they must take the necessary steps to protect the customer and offer fully integrated payment solutions which conform to PCI-DSS regulations.”

Paul added: “Integration of PCI compliant systems along with deployment of highly secure cloud-based payment systems will help to protect customers and the company relationships. Moving forward retailers need to ensure that the safety and security of their customers are the first considerations when new products and services are launched.”

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