Subscription Management, Identity & Billing in One Platform

Scott O'Neill Monday, 11 April 2016

In recent months we have seen and spoken to many of the leading publishers around the globe about their next steps in digital. Many spoke of their plans relating to identifying and engaging audiences, launching subscription and membership models and optimizing the efficiencies of their digital operations.

One overriding theme we hear from these meetings is the difficulty content owners have attempting to integrate many different platforms to achieve their business objectives.

Challenges with Multiple Platforms

Taking independent CRM, subscription and billing platforms and knitting them together causes many headaches, both during implementation phases and when running at ‘business as usual’. This often leads to delivery times being a lot longer and the process being more complicated than expected, with increased costs to build custom functionality that were not anticipated at the start of the project. There is also the commercial aspect to consider; having to manage multiple relationships and ‘battling’ to make sure all vendors are moving in the same direction to get the project live.

A Fully Integrated Platform

We have seen very few platforms which are successfully able to accommodate the requests and demands of the publishing market to support both print and digital strategies, which is where eSuite comes in. eSuite is MPP Global’s fully integrated cloud platform designed specifically for the publishing industry to identity, engage and monetize audiences.

eSuite is a single platform which comprises all of the tools a publisher needs to launch and manage subscription models across any format. As all functionality is provided within a single system, there are no complex integrations, no vendor agendas at play, and only a single point of contact for project communications. Paired with a simple to integrate API, a comprehensive online Support Centre, a ready-made registration/payment journey SDK and our 24/7 support and implementation teams, we are confident that the common struggles mentioned above are not experienced by MPP Global clients.

Ready to Launch an Innovative Digital Service?

Launching a successful digital service is a daunting project and you need to have the right vendor to support you throughout.

Get in touch with MPP Global today to discuss any ongoing projects or future plans you have which relate to identity and paid content for your digital readership, and to learn how the simple approach MPP Global take to projects could benefit your business.