Using Social to Improve Customer Experience

Julian Morelis Tuesday, 02 June 2015

We have seen more and more consumers accessing their content online, so much so that digital monetization strategies are key in media and entertainment companies. With this in mind, consumers expect easy accessibility to digital content, without the need to tediously create and remember yet another log in for them to view content.

This is where the functionality of social sign-on plays a key role in the business, both for providing an improved customer experience and developing the customer profile. But what is social sign-on? And how can it be used by media and entertainment organizations?

What is Social Sign-On?

With over 2 billion of the world’s population active on social media, the era of social networking is creating significant implications for enterprises. Today, there are compelling rewards for embracing social networks.

Social sign-on enables a consumer to register and log in using their existing user name and password from a social network, such as Facebook, Twitter or Google+. This functionality enables your consumers to easily access digital content without the complication of having to remember yet another username or password.

Social login increases registration and sign in conversion rates by simplifying the user authentication process, with our partner Gigya finding that over 60% of clients using social sign-on saw their conversion rates increase between 10-49%. Once a customer has signed in with their social login, the company then have access to incredibly rich social data about their customers.

Publishers and TV operators have already seen the attraction of adopting social sign-on:

  • The Daily Mail, enables registered users to log in with the choice between their email address, Facebook, Twitter or Google+.
  • Netflix, enables users to log in to their account using Facebook.

Offering social login functionality provides consumers with quick access to your site across a range of devices, while keeping the site secure and simple to use.

What are the Benefits of Social Sign-On?

In order to target customers effectively, content providers want to gain as much information about their customers as possible. Social networks feature a whole host of information about users and with social sign-on, organizations can access this to understand their customers, their interests, their habits and the type of content they are viewing.

Rich Profile Data

Using social sign-on, organizations have access to first party, permission-based social data, ranging from a customer’s interests and hobbies to the type of content they are viewing on social media. This data helps to grow the customer profile with rich data which ultimately helps media and entertainment companies understand their customers.


Utilizing the information available, organizations can personalize the customer experience by greeting users by name, displaying their photo, following authentication and tailoring promotions which meet their preferences based on their interests on social media.

These can play a key factor in creating an identity around your customers, especially with recent reports finding that nearly 90% of media and entertainment consumers use social sign-on to access services. Gigya also found that on average social users spend 56% more time on sites, viewing nearly 67% more pages. With customers spending more time on the site, they are more likely to spend more on accessing certain content, while the company are able to develop the customer profile based on the pages they view.

The customer profile, built up from the data from social media and the customer’s viewing habits, enables organizations to shape their products and services to meet the demands of the market. Media and entertainment companies can use the information to make a customer’s experience more relevant, including email marketing, site personalization, product recommendations, targeted advertising, tailored subscriptions or promotions, which accommodate the preferences of their audience and the customer demands.

Using Data to Develop the Customer Experience

With a whole host of information about the customer available in the Identity Management and CRM view, organizations can provide an improved customer experience, offering the digital content and services which meet customer preferences and requirements. With this level of service, customers will feel valued by the organization, helping to build customer loyalty and drive customer retention.

Find out more about Social Sign-On by contacting one of our industry consultants today.

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