World Publishing Expo Free Pass & Converting Anonymous Users to Paid Customers – What’s Not to Love?

Ana Lobb Thursday, 30 July 2015

With only 3 months to go, plans are already underway for our annual trip to the WAN-IFRA World Publishing Expo.

This year I look forward to meeting both familiar faces, and new, to catching up with our partners D-Share, ppi Media, Gigya and Agile Contents, hearing about the latest innovations in our sector, and sharing some of the great new features that we have developed in conjunction with our publishing clients over the last 12 months; from micropayments and identity management to content metering (more than just the obvious paywall).

A Common Challenge; Converting the Anonymous, into Registered

A very current challenge for publishers is to convert anonymous users and registered readers into paying customers. Everybody tells me about their high unique visits and traffic volumes, but for many conversion is still a relatively low percentage; the potential to monetize content is immense, but how will you do it?  For many leading global publishers, MPP Global’s eSuite is beginning to answer this question…

More and more we are hearing that our clients approach to development is leaning towards a multifaceted product strategy. The key to developing a successful digital monetization strategy lies in a deeper understanding and relationship with your readers. MPP Global provides all the functionality to launch initiatives based on real time analytics and reporting, to profile anonymous users, register, transact, manage accounts, grow ARPU, grow dwell time, and reduce churn and increase subscriber retention. Sound good? Read on…

The Solution; It’s All About the User; Their Data and the Benefits of Leveraging this Insight

Many leading publishers including the Daily Mail, The Irish Times and the Amaury Group are now using back office functionality to promote and drive new registrations, monitor activity, automate and push customer centric offers and incentives. Using our content metering technology, you can set rules; the simplest example may be that once an anonymous user has clicked on 5 pieces of sports content, they are re-directed to an offer page with various sports bundles or packages. These packages could offer low entry price, free trials, day passes, mobile only etc., this way you appeal to their specific interest, at the right time, and provide a range of choices suited to the individual. Once registered, you can build on what you know about them, and use similar automation methods to gradually increase their spend.

Meet us there… FOR FREE!

Our team will be at the Expo, running live demos and hopefully inspiring a new wave of ‘next level’ CRM, and revenue development. If you are going, make a note to come and say ‘Hi’, or complete this simple form to book a time.

Don’t have a ticket yet?  Never fear, have a free pass on us, with compliments…

Simply order your free ticket, valid online until 3 October, here.

I look forward to what I imagine will be another very interesting event.

Having never visited Hamburg, I’m also looking forward to exploring the city a little in the evenings, any ‘must do’ suggestions much appreciated, feel free to comment below!

See you in Hamburg!