A Look at DCM Europe

MPP Global Posted by MPP Global on Monday, 16 January 2012

One of the biggest industry conferences gets underway on Tuesday with three days of discussions, panels, one-on-one interviews, keynote addresses and other education options. Digital Content Monetisation (DCM) Europe is focussed on Implementing monetisation models to create rapid and sustainable digital growth.

MPP Global are headline sponsors for this terrific three-day conference and are looking forward to networking and meeting with over 300 industry attendees and 75 senior expert speakers from the music, film, broadcasting, publishing, gaming, and sports industries.

Our focus will be on learning how speakers have updated their strategies to place a higher importance on multi-channel content delivery monetisation – this includes mobile, tablet and social commerce innovations.

We all know that tablets and mobile devices are changing the way technology and entertainment are delivered and used – and most importantly how users receive and pay for this technology.  This is of course linked to sCommerce (social commerce) and how social media can provide a realistic route to revenue.

Look for us at the following key sessions and be sure to grab us for a discussion about how to use new monetisation strategies to embrace eCommerce as single route to monetisation in a global environment.

Tuesday January 17 – Mobile Summit

11:45 The Publisher’s Perspective: Build a mobile strategy which evolves with the changing passion of your consumer.

12:10 The Second Screen Panel Discussion: How can you satisfy your user’s requirements for more content on the mobile phone?

14:40 The Social Network Perspective: The route to creating a successful mobile social commerce platform – The Flowd success story.

16:00 Panel Discussion: How is the market growth of tablets reshaping how users consume content?

17:10 Looking To The Future Panel: Discuss the next developments set to define how content is consumed on different platforms and build key learning’s into your future strategy.

Wednesday January 18 – Main Conference Day One

9:05 Keynote Panel: Developing a sustainable business model in an innovation-led sector.

9:40 Interview: One-on-one Q & A with a senior industry executive

10:20 Insights for Better Monetisation: A preview of Ooyala’s Q4 Video Index Report.

14:10 Building the Commercial Proposition Which Will Get Your Customers Paying: Successes with paywalls, freemium, subscriptions.

15:10 The Importance of a Single Customer View in a Multi-Platform Environment- this session is led by Paul Johnson, CEO of MPP Global

16:10 Changing The Model: How ebooks, tablets and ereaders are changing the way publishing monetises.

Thursday January 19 – Main Conference Day Two

10:00 What’s Next For Digital Distribution?: Lining up the rights, platforms and technology to get your content to you audience where and when they want it.

11:10 The growth of VoD: Getting your product to your customer where and when they want it.

As you can see we’ve got a busy three days ahead of us and we’re looking forward to meeting with and industry specialists to discuss how MPP Globalcan help companies to benefit from integrated monetisation through paywalls, subscriptions, and promotions to capture the booming growth in the mobile, tablet, and sCommerce industries.

Check back daily to read about our thoughts and impressions from the highlighted sessions. And of course, don’t miss MPP Global’s CEO Paul Johnson on Wednesday when he discusses ‘The Importance of a Single Customer View in a Multi-Platform Environment’.

Follow us on Twitter and use the #dcmeu hashtag to get the latest from the conference floor.