DCM Europe Mobile Summit Highlights

MPP Global Posted by MPP Global on Tuesday, 17 January 2012

As predicted, the first day of DCM Europe has been action-packed with a fantastic turnout of industry leaders.all coming together to discuss the latest strategies for monetising content via mobile devices in particular.

The focus for this first day of learning and networking was on:

  • How to harness social media to target and connect with your audience?
  • How to create and build discoverable, relevant and personalised apps to enhance content?
  • How mobile presents an opportunity for companies seeking to monetise their content across multi-platform channels.

What is particularly interesting for us is developing strategies that allow media and entertainment companies to have a single eCommerce monetisation strategy and process that allows for a global reach.

Key to the agenda on the first day, with it being the Mobile Summit, is how companies are seeking to utilise the mobile device for both monetising content and also as a viable payment device for purchases through contactless payments.

Juan Lopez-Valcarcel from Pearson led a fantastic session on how the mobile platform offers a great opportunity as an education tool and also how teenagers are a captive Marketing audience via mobile, with many of them sleeping with their devices next to their heads.

Steve Wing from Guardian News & Media followed up with a very current session aimed at the publishing sector about how changing user passions need to be considered when formulating a mobile strategy. Interesting stats from this session include the fact that 75% of consumers don’t leave home without their mobile, and 28% having made a purchase via their mobile. Startling was also the statistic that in the US 98 million people multi-task on mobile whilst watching TV.

After lunch, a session of particular interest was around how the mobile device can be used to enhance business models and to increase ROI for companies.

What comes out most from the day is the level of agreement and understanding that formulating strategies for content monetisation in the current market, with continual developments in terms of how different communications channels are being converged, it is critical to place mobile and other new devices at the heart of such a strategy.

Looking Ahead to Wednesday January 18

The main conference of DCM Europe starts tomorrow and amongst the many panels and discussions we’ll be attending, of special importance is MPP Global’s very own CEO Paul Johnson with his session discussing: The Importance of a Single Customer View in a Multi-Platform Environment. Check back tomorrow for more details and highlights of the conference.

We of course would like your feedback on what we’re learning during this conference – don’t hesitate to email us or send us a Tweet to our Twitter account. To get the latest from the conference floor, follow the #dcmeu hashtag.