Convergent Media Creates Platform for Micropayments

MPP Global Posted by MPP Global on Wednesday, 01 December 2010

There is a saying that “look after the pennies” – “and the pounds will take care of themselves.” A saying which is becoming increasingly true for advanced eCommerce services.

Thanks largely to the explosion of Convergent Media, micropayments are becoming a standard of many of the integrated online payment solutions we offer to clients.

The rise in web, mobile and connected-TV eCommerce activity, means not only do consumers want to make purchases swiftly and securely – but they want to be able to do this across all platforms.

Our own cross-platform payment services ensure swift micropayment processing to help sell subscriptions, bundles, mobile, digital and physical products easily.

Payments too need to be flexible to keep processing costs down and can include credit/debit cards, reverse billing SMS, PayPal, etc. to help provide an extra  revenue stream for websites, mobile applications or IPTV middleware.

If you want to find out more about how the explosion in Convergent Media could help your company, make sure you sign up for our planned webinar on Tuesday 14th December at 2:00pm.

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