eCommerce Sites – The Three R’s That Spell Success

MPP Global Posted by MPP Global on Saturday, 12 December 2009

Customer care is essential to the success of any company. Yet shoddy web design means many eCommerce companies fail when their product suggests they should have been a success.

Trading online is no different to trading on the high street – the three R’s: Relationship, Responsiveness and Reliability are just as important here as elsewhere. No matter how brilliant your video streaming dialogue is, it’s of little use if it causes a system crash each time a customer tries to buffer it!

We at MPP Global specialise in providing innovative solutions for a range of eCommerce applications, from bulk SMS marketing tools to sophisticated video streaming products. Here, we explain what those three R’s mean.

– Relationship: Good customer relationships are essential to loyal, long-term business partnerships. It costs five times more to attract a new customer than to keep an old one, but this doesn’t mean you should neglect your long-term clients.

– Responsiveness: Each customer query must be responded to immediately. If you have an email address for customer enquiries, answer them. The most successful eCommerce site is one where a real-time human presence accompanies innovative digital extras, like streaming media files.

– Reliability: Don’t make promises you can’t keep. Fulfil your customer obligations. 24 hour delivery or instant downloads should mean just that. If you are offering product voucher codes, free delivery or “BOGOF” promotions, honour them.

We at MPP Global offer all you need to build a successful eCommerce site, and our products ensure the three R’s are never forgotten.