What Does E-Service Mean?

MPP Global Posted by MPP Global on Tuesday, 15 December 2009

E-service is customer service as applied to eCommerce sites. Whether you have a sleek internet site with multiple streaming media applications, or a simple bulk SMS marketing package, you must think of the customer before your sales.

But in a highly competitive world, where eCommerce applications are accessed in their millions every day, how does the small business owner set themselves apart?

Many highly competitive sites make the mistake of “overegging the pudding”. They live in the mistaken belief that more is more. They think that the more glitzy internal links and streaming media downloads they provide, the more likely it is a customer will buy.

In fact, the opposite is true. Customers tire of complicated, overloaded sites. However, this doesn’t mean they should feel they’ve only been guided to your site to make a purchase – this, too is a turn-off.

As a rule, your services should include:

– An e-mail link

– Online customer support – including enquiry, complaint and information request forms

– Easily downloadable invoices, PDF files, brochures

– FAQs

– A 24 hour phone number

– Secure online payment options

– An “about us” page – with real names and faces so people know who they’re dealing with

Depending on your budget, other services could include a call centre, informative blog, live chat line and video streaming offering practical advice and demonstrations.

We at MPP Global put e-service at the very centre of our site. We have a full range of streaming media products and services to satisfy every aspect of customer care.