Finding a Model Payment Platform

MPP Global Posted by MPP Global on Thursday, 10 February 2011

The growth of eCommerce means companies now need to closely match their payment platforms with their business models.

It is crucial that businesses not only look at how consumers want to pay for purchases, but also the ways they want to make payments.

The whole “purchasing experience” should be smooth, swift and secure from start to finish – based on a broad and flexible integrated payment solution.

Many of our partnerships with leading media organisations are excellent, working examples of how advanced eCommerce solutions can deliver payment systems via laptops, mobiles, tablets or connected-TVs.

Advanced eCommerce solutions can facilitate various types of payments including; credit/debit cards, direct debit, PayPal, top-up cards, reverse bill SMS, Payforit and Ukash to match a particular business model.

For a media company integrated payment platforms can process:

  • Subscriptions to an edition of a newspaper or access to digital content
  • Direct payments – for a one-off purchase
  • Person present transactions – via payment terminals
  • Metered access – access without charge for a certain number of views or downloads
  • Membership – access to exclusive benefits and services
  • Pre and post pay micropayments– allowing consumers to pay as little as 1p to read a page or download a file

Together, this approach makes it easier for both companies and consumers to do business how they want 24/7.