Get Your Message Across Immediately

MPP Global Posted by MPP Global on Saturday, 07 February 2009

Text marketing is most definitely here to stay. Businesses have cottoned on fast to this great opportunity to reach their target audience directly and doing so in the most cost effective manner possible.

Instead of chancing that their potential customers will delete their emails without reading them or simply ignoring other forms of advertising, they address the customer directly. What makes text marketing so effective and popular? There are many factors which combine to make text marketing a powerful marketing tool for any business.

Marketing through technology

Text marketing is immediate -there is no delay and your message is delivered within minutes. No advertising costs are wasted as you only pay for the customers you reach as most text marketing is based on having permission through opt-in. The text messages sent out is short and to the point. People are more apt to read this than long advertising blurbs.

Text marketing is cheap and a huge cost saving in marketing expenses for all businesses. Statistics prove that text marketing has a much higher response rate than other forms of marketing and this means more customers for a business. There is direct interaction between business and the potential customer as your message is delivered directly to them.

Text marketing works from a database. This means a business can segment their target audience according to specific listed keywords. In this way they narrow down their advertising to target specific customers only. Text marketing is at the cutting edge, it is personal and customers like the idea of being in control. They can opt out at any time, so they do not become as irritated as they do with other forms of advertising.