Independent Poll of Publishing Executives Trumpets the Benefits of Metered Paywalls

MPP Global Posted by MPP Global on Tuesday, 12 March 2013

An independent poll recently conducted by MPP Global found that 66% of executives in the publishing industry are considering implementing a metered paywall for monetising digital content. Another 22% are thinking about converting their site to either a paid content or freemium business model.

The data reflects the shift in philosophy reverberating around the publishing industry over the last 12 months. No longer is the prevailing wisdom an ad-funded model but one which dovetails advertising revenues with a metered paywall to generate additional pay-as-you-go and subscription revenue and turning readers into subscribers.

A metered paywall allows readers access to some but not all content with a visitor able to read a predefined number of articles before being invited to subscribe.

Conducted during a webinar hosted by MPP Globalexamining the trends, case studies and best practices in paywall implementation, the survey found that an overwhelming two-thirds of respondents were considering a metered paywall as their preferred payment model of the future.

MPP Globalare the leading provider of paywall technology to the publishing and media industries with clients including The Times, The Daily Mail and The Telegraph.  As industry innovators as well as leaders, MPP Global are often called upon for their expertise in the ever-changing world of eCommerce solutions and, more specifically, paywall technologies.

Paul Johnson, Chief Executive Officer for MPP Global, said, “These findings confirm that the publishing industry appreciates the significant impact a metered paywall can have on their bottom lines.”  Johnson added, “The success of the New York Times metered paywall, for example, is undeniable and defines the leading edge of online publishing. It is no surprise that other industry leaders are eager to follow suit.”

Canada’s highly respected newspaper, The Globe and Mail, implemented a metered paywall four months ago. The paper has experienced no drop in digital advertising revenue and has generated an impressive 80,000 new digital subscribers in 120 days.

“A metered paywall is not an end but a beginning. We have learned readers turned subscribers appreciate that professional content has value worth paying for”, added Johnson.

For more information on MPP Globaland how they support publishers in their digital monetisation strategies, visit