Jellyfish CoNNect – A Conversation with Adam Osborn, Head of Technology

MPP Global Thursday, 13 September 2018

What You’ll Learn:

Jellyfish CoNNect offers its magazine and newspaper clients the very best in digital subscription marketing expertise, multi-platform digital publishing and ABC-accredited and BPA compliant digital sales reporting and analysis. It has worked with MPP Global’s eSuite platform for over 8 years, so we spoke to Adam Osborn, Head of Technology, to find out what the impact had been.

How did your work with MPP Global get started?

Jellyfish CoNNect has been working with MPP Global for about eight years now. We chose them because we were after a PCI compliant recurring subscription platform across multiple payment providers.

Previously we used a mixture of PayPal and credit cards, and they didn’t offer the recurring subscriptions and the whole funnel was very mixed, so what MPP Global did for us was to bring them all into one funnel and give us the ability to create wallets and have that recurring payment that we could call on demand.

What were you looking to achieve?

Part of the project was to bring our multiple platforms into one and what MPP Global gave us was the ability to use this centralized management system where we could have users and wallets attached to multiple sites and use that wallet without them having to sign in and register different payments every time they use our products.

It’s driven revenue for our business by having that ease of purchase, where you don’t have put a credit card in each time, we have a very unique user base, who comes back on a monthly basis, so having one click purchase and micropayments really helps.

We sell approximately half a million subscriptions a year across our various platforms and since integrating with the eSuite platform we’ve seen increases of about 158% year on year on our digital product.

Which aspects of eSuite have been most useful for you?

Having been with MPP Global for 8 years we’ve used multiple services from the hosted pages to the new SDK services they offer. Our stand-out feature benefit on eSuite is the ability to launch new pages and payment funnels using the SDK within hours instead of weeks.

How have you found working with MPP Global?

Our partnership with MPP Global has been very close, we’ve run several events together and off the back of those we’ve gained an increased customer client base. They’ve made multiple introductions for us to several newspapers, including the Daily Mail and The Independent.

The onboarding process was very smooth, we’ve grown together and integrated new payment types into the platform as they’ve come onto the market. MPP Global’s account management is brilliant, they’re always on call. On the rare occasion we’ve had problems, they’ve always been there to help us out.

What does the future hold for Jellyfish CoNNect?

It’s exciting at Jellyfish CoNNect at the moment, as we’re launching a new service focused around subscription boxes. We’re going to take our use of the eSuite platform to the next level really, we’re going to full integrate identity management, subscription management, processing payments, the full suite of packages.

I’m really looking forward to using some of eSuite’s products we haven’t used before, especially around the retention, recovery and churn modules.

Read the Jellyfish CoNNect Case Study

You can get more information about what MPP Global did for Jellyfish CoNNect with our full case study, with details on providing single customer view, flexible integrations and payment solutions plus PCI compliance.

Download: Jellyfish CoNNect Case Study