MPP Global Posted by MPP Global on Wednesday, 02 March 2011

The subject of delivering extended ARPU or average revenue per user is high amongst most subscription based organisations, but in an age of increasing competition, for Internet Service Providers in particular, it is vital for long term growth. For these organisations IPTV is set to be a long term driver for ARPU and will deliver like no other recent industry advance.

IPTV is already changing the way in which viewers receive the content they choose through the television. Purchasing content on demand through eCommerce payments, the latest connected-TV system consumers have more interaction at their fingertips with the content on offer than ever before.

The IPTV market is expecting a growth annually of around 24% between 2011 and 2014 according to RNCOS, which will see IPTV subscribers reach an impressive 106 million by 2014. The combination of this together with advances in broadband technology means that IPTV truly represents a vast diversification in eCommerce revenue stream for the ISP industry.

The biggest market for IPTV is in Europe, particularly the UK, France and Germany, and with most markets far from saturation and strong growth predicted, it is clear that ISPs will need to ensure that this development and the digital content monetisation as a whole forms parts of their plans for growth over the next decade.

Why not see how MPP Global’s universal payment platform can help to drive revenue for your organisation.