Digital Paywall Hot Topic at Publishing Expo

MPP Global Posted by MPP Global on Tuesday, 22 February 2011

With next week’s Publishing Expo at Earl’s Court on the horizon, the hot topic naturally will be paywall technology and the best ways to charge users for accessing and downloading digital content.

The Financial Times led the way with introducing a digital paywall into their site last year to drive users to subscribe to daily online issues, while News International followed suit with digital paywalls for the Times and News of the World websites.

Despite words to the contrary, TMG are rumoured to be looking to incorporate similar technology in the website over the coming months. In December, the Telegraph website registered 31 million visitors, trailing the Guardian on 39 million and market leader Mail Online with 54 million, according to ABCe.

However with the decline in traditional print newspapers and the on-going shift towards digital platforms, particularly with smart phone users on the ever increase, the topic of digital content monetisation is something that all publishers will be keen to explore in the future.

MPP Global will be present at the Publishing Expo at London’s Earl’s Court on the 1st and 2nd of March. Speak to our representatives for more information on the topic.