Next Generation Real Time Subscription Management

Scott O'Neill Tuesday, 06 December 2016

Has the publishing industry changed? Yes, the way people buy and consume content has moved beyond what it was even five years ago with the balance in print and digital revenues slowly but surely shifting. But what about subscription management technology?

SAP are rumored to be discontinuing IS Media – MSD for subscription management. We have heard further development will cease in 2017 and that the module itself will be discontinued by 2025 (although no firm dates have been published by SAP to date). This change presents many publishers with the ideal opportunity to rethink legacy platforms and update their approaches to managing print and digital subscriptions, especially in light of the need for future proofing their business operations. So what does this mean for publishers?

From Then to Now: Rethinking Legacy Platforms

Historically publisher’s businesses have revolved around print, which has meant that core infrastructure does not support the fluidity and speed required to compete with pure play diverse digital brands, or allow for complementary print and digital strategies.

With a lack of flexibility, digital innovators, product managers and marketing teams are restricted and, in fact, crippled by lengthy development and operational processes and overheads, resulting in lack of innovation in the business.

New Subscription Management Tools

Over the next 5-10 years, audience consumption habits will change further. Especially as millennials and core reader groups age and transition towards digital consumption, with more audiences accessing bite-sized mobile and web based products and services – with app users 50% more likely to pay for online news.

Technology has advanced, publishers can now leverage an innovative API-led cloud platform which provides publishers with easy to use tools, supporting real time subscription management and billing. It is essential in the next generation of subscription management tools that they can be quickly and easily integrated with core infrastructure, such as SAP, to bridge the gap from print to digital.

Publishers need a flexible platform which can support complex rules, configuration and administration of existing print operations, whilst reducing cost – which is critical for future proofing your digital operations. MPP Global’s eSuite provides ultimate subscription management, billing, and product packaging functionality, giving product and marketing teams access to all new and emerging digital business models, and contributing significantly to commercial success. eSuite provides:

  • CRM
  • Single/Social Sign-On
  • Registration & Authentication
  • Billing & Payments
  • Access Management & Metering
  • Customer Self Care
  • Promotions & Campaigns
  • Rule-Based Decisioning & Real-time re-directs
  • Customer Support & Self care
  • Print & Digital Product Management
  • Reporting

eSuite gets new business models and incentives to market quickly, with a completely new way of working; providing non-technical staff with access to easy to use tools which enable them to launch new products, services and incentives in a matter of minutes – without the need for technical support.

While SAP might be discontinuing its IS Media – MSD, SAP itself can still remain as the core ‘engine’ but by implementing a platform, like eSuite, at the front end, publishers can benefit from greater flexibility and fluidity between departments helping to directly impact revenues.

Implementing the Next Generation of Subscription Management

Publishers of today are beginning to leverage innovative technology and are implementing platforms which will support the next generation of subscription management, helping to maintain and grow subscription revenue. It is important to consider embracing innovative cloud technology, updating tools, leveraging new and exciting strategies and becoming more sophisticated about how you utilize staff resource; overall making significant CapEx and OpEx cost savings.

Are you frustrated with in-flexible infrastructure or considering how you can update legacy platforms? We understand the importance of implementing technology which bridges the gap between print and digital.  Get in touch for a quick discussion with our publishing experts on how organisations of today can thrive in the industry.