Social Games: the Future of Games Revenue?

MPP Global Posted by MPP Global on Friday, 11 March 2011

The shift within the payment side of the gaming industry from traditional software purchases to online micropayments can be seen as key to long term revenue growth for games developers. This week online games portal Zylom announced it is set to follow rival Zynga’s lead of establishing payment gateways into its Facebook games hub to process in-game micropayments. This drive to incorporating eCommerce payments into social games such as Zynga’s highly successful FarmVille is fast becoming a major revenue driver for games developers.

The sheer fact that web users spend more time on Facebook than Google, Yahoo and YouTube combined illustrates the social networking importance in the modern age. This is reflected in the 80 million monthly users who frequent FarmVille and sister title CityVille, which both boast eCommerce payment platforms within their construction.

However certain notable figures in the games industry have criticised this rise in micropayment driven social games as not producing titles worthy of respect from hard core gamers.  Despite this, Zynga is now being valued higher than traditional software giant Electronic Arts. Also, with the diversification of Konami into producing similar micropayment social games and the creation of Facebook game building divisions within News Corp, the future looks bright for these type of titles and the payments that they generate for the companies.

Why not see how MPP Global’s game based payment platform can handle micropayments for your titles.