Talk Of The Exhibition

MPP Global Posted by MPP Global on Monday, 09 August 2010

The 50th IFA consumer electronics exhibition closes today in Berlin.  It’s a place where the Gadget Show meets Tomorrow’s World.

It has seen some notable products and some notable people. Albert Einstein opened the forerunner to the show way back in 1930 and over the years it has been the place to showcase Videotext, the Casio Pocket TV, Philip’s prototype 3DTV, Sony’s MiniDisc  (whatever happened to them!) the Nokia 1011 and the Xbox 360.

What is clear from this week’s event is that products can no longer do “just what they say on the tin.” A TV can’t simply just be a TV, or a phone just a phone – they have to offer so much more. In 2010 it is the consumer appetite for greater digital content which is now driving invention as much as science itself.

Sony’s chief executive Sir Howard Stringer was on stage in Berlin unveiling plans to launch ” Qriocity” in Europe in 2011. This music and video streaming service will link up with 54 million registered PlayStation users.

At the flick of a button customers will be able to rent films, albums or individual tracks – then go back to their game.

It means eCommerce will help customers have access to purchase goods, download music or stream movies through TVs, laptops and now PlayStations 24/7, not quite tomorrow – but definitely next year.

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