Texting is a Gift

MPP Global Posted by MPP Global on Friday, 14 January 2011

Charities across the UK must really be struggling to cope with the double whammy on their revenues of the recession combined with this month’s rise in VAT.

Text message marketing is a quick, easy and cost-effective way to reach potential donors and it is good to see charities such as the NSPCC also making it easier for people to add gift aid to their donations.

We have worked with a number of charities and it really does make sense to capitalise on this tax break.

The MPP Global txt2donate service can mark any donations where gift aid can be applied in monthly statements.

This straightforward and simple feature gives charities a clear understanding of the amount of gift aid they can claim from all mobile donations.

So instead of £5 the charity would receive around an extra 70p – and it doesn’t cost the donor a penny more.