Gambling on Connected-TVs Appears a Safe Bet

MPP Global Posted by MPP Global on Tuesday, 11 January 2011

Back in 2010 all the talk at the international Consumer Electronics Show (CES) was about the global marketing of 3D TVs.

Although the entertainment world was enthusiastic about the 3D phenomenon, the technology has not proved as big a success as industry experts predicted.

At this month’s 2011 CES show in Las Vegas the odds on favourite for growth was no longer the 3D TV, but very much the internet Connected-TV.

Given the increase in eCommerce via laptops and mobiles, manufacturers have perhaps been a little slow to switch on to the potential of the humble TV.

But if the CES is anything to go by, the biggest names in the entertainment industry are now firmly betting on a surge in sales of Connected-TVs.

At the show, Panasonic launched its new “personalisable” television, which also allows viewers to chat via Facebook or Twitter while watching television.

The company estimates that internet-Connected TVs will account for 40 per cent of all televisions sold worldwide by 2014, compared to 20 per cent last year.

The potential for eCommerce growth via Connected-TV is enormous and at MPP Global we have been working hard to ensure we are well placed to help our blue chip client’s tune into this 2011 success story.