Texting Times

MPP Global Posted by MPP Global on Wednesday, 10 November 2010

Even with the rise of social networking sites – texting is still a great way to reach both new and existing customers.

The real plus points of mobile marketing campaigns lies in their flexibility. They can be used to alert a consumer to a sale, offer a subscription reminder or even be part of a public service campaign.

They can also be an invaluable stream of revenue for both businesses and organisations – no matter how big or small.

Charities for example, can use text as a cost-effective way to raise both their income and their profile.

Of course a text doesn’t just have to be a few words it can be a video, an audio mail or a digital brochure and consumers can receive it in seconds.

We have been developing our txt2 mobile SMS marketing platform for more than a decade – so I like to think we know what we are talking about.