Tips For Successful eCommerce: Wise Networking

MPP Global Posted by MPP Global on Friday, 20 November 2009

If you think streaming media is beyond your budget, think again. At MPP Global we offer streaming media solutions to suit all sizes of businesses, and once you have a package in place you can tailor it to achieve maximum return for your investment.

Start by being very careful when designing your streaming media presentation. You have to think what it will achieve that your existing eCommerce material doesn’t. Does it complement graphic material already on display? Does it provide extra incentive to the client to buy the product?

Increasing the effect of video streaming.

Once you have a successful streaming media plan, you can enhance its benefits by, for example, selling commercial spots to other companies. These can be businesses offering products or services that complement your own (for example, a business that sells fitness equipment could liaise with a local personal trainer).

If your eCommerce site has affiliate members, you can use streaming media to help them gain sales. You could, for example, offer members the chance to air their services in one of your slideshow presentations, in return for a small fee. It mustn’t detract from your own product. A short display of 2 – 4 graphics from each affiliate member, together with some scrolling text, is enough.

Say you are a wedding organiser. Your affiliate may sell baking equipment on line. Here is an ideal opportunity to show your two products together – and hold the client’s interest in both.

However, don’t be tempted to add “outsiders” to your videos just to increase sales. Their content and your own must flow together seamlessly, to be effective.