Using Audio Media Streaming As An SMS Marketing Tool

MPP Global Posted by MPP Global on Saturday, 19 December 2009

If you run training courses online, you should remember your students will often be accessing your services from their mobile phones. With smart phone technology, video streaming via SMS marketing is becoming increasingly common. Audio streaming media is a great alternative and is preferred for certain practical applications.

By using audio streaming people can concentrate on the task in hand, rather than a tiny screen. It isn’t just students who can reap the benefit. Say you run guided tours. Instead of people having to meet a guide at a specific time, or rent audio equipment, they can simply download a link on their phones which will engage an audio tour. Streaming media means the recipient can start and stop the download at will, enabling them to take the tour at their leisure.

A hands-on learning course, such as motor engineering or cookery, is impractical with text books or video streaming. What the student needs is someone standing next to them, explaining what to do. But a lecturer can’t be everywhere at once, whilst distance learning means just that. By utilising an audio download, the student can follow instructions and still have all hands – and eyes – on the task.

You can incorporate streaming media into SMS marketing in all sorts of exciting ways. You can deliver a short snippet of a song, for example, and then allow the recipient to download the rest.

We at MPP Global have a full range of innovative SMS marketing products, including video streaming and audio streaming media solutions.