MPP Global has been acquired by Aptitude Software, the specialist provider of subscription & finance solutions. We have now merged brands and migrated our website to Aptitude Software.

Retention & Recovery

Maximise Recurring Revenues & Minimise Churn

Retain, Optimise & Predict

Reduce Involuntary Churn by More Than 90%

Significantly reduce involuntary churn and maximise recurring revenues with retry rules, card updater services & payment windows

Save >30% Of Customers Annually With Optimised Billing

Fine-tune recurring transactions to boost approval rates globally through optimised billing and payment routing

Boost Subscriber Retention & Win-back Rates

Proactively retain and win-back subscribers using personalised cancellation flows and marketing campaigns to incentivise & reward

Accurately Predict Up to 90% of Churning Customers

Gain insight into customers most at risk of churn and target with a range of communications and offers to increase ARPU & minimise churn

Reduce Involuntary Churn by More Than 90%

An estimated ~30% of churn is attributed to involuntary, unwanted churn and revenue loss. eSuite’s churn prevention capabilities can drastically reduce involuntary churn rates to less than 2%, with a range of tools to maximise transaction success & stabilise your bottom line.

  • Account Updater Services (Visa & Mastercard) – Minimise loss of business due to subscriber payment details becoming outdated or replaced.
  • Intelligent Retry Rules – Maximise subscriber lifetime value by crafting highly configurable retry attempts for failed payments over a prolonged period.
  • Payment Windows – Increase transaction approval rates by more than 50% by presenting renewal payments at optimal days and times on a per-country basis.
Get The Churn Prevention Whitepaper

Save >30% Of Customers Annually With Optimised Billing

There are commercial benefits to fine-tuning recurring transactions and optimising the billing process. In doing so, companies can boost approval rates on a global scale and minimise risk of involuntary churn.

  • Pre-authorisation Transactions – Gain insight pre-renewal on whether a payment is likely to succeed, offering a window of opportunity to communicate and update card details.
  • Payment Routing – Process transactions through local acquirers to increase payment success and reduce cross-border transaction fees.
  • Card on File & Transaction Flagging – Increase renewal rates by storing authorised payment details for repeat purchases, and append flags to indicate recurring transactions.
Get The Comprehensive Guide

Boost Subscriber Retention & Win-back Rates

There are some subscribers who will actively decide to cancel their subscription due to concerns surrounding price, experience or quality. eSuite offers various retention solutions to retain subscribers on the verge of leaving and to win-back any lost custom.

  • Offers & Discounts – Optimise cancellation flows by serving up various personalised promotions.
  • Switch Packages – Enable subscribers to upgrade, downgrade or switch to a more suitable package or payment method.
  • Pause Subscriptions – Temporarily pause payments and entitlements for subscribers with financial concerns.
  • Win-back Campaigns – Build & deploy highly personalised product packages and promotions to incentivise customers to return.
Watch The Webinar On-demand

Accurately Predict Up to 90% of Churning Customers

Identifying subscribers most at risk of churn enables media companies to target them with effective retention strategies and tailored communications before they have the chance to leave.

eSuite utilises machine learning to generate predictive churn algorithms to analyse a series of systematic data points, accurately identifying up to 90% of subscribers most at risk of churn. This incredible insight into subscriber data is provided to companies as a monthly report of those subscribers who are likely to churn, enabling you to act decisively and target effectively, while also better informing finance teams with revenue predictions.

Download The Factsheet

See how we helped
'Jellyfish CoNNect'

Jellyfish CoNNect offers its magazine and newspaper clients the very best in digital subscription marketing expertise, multi-platform digital publishing and ABC-accredited and BPA compliant digital sales reporting and analysis. The business was looking for...

What MPP Global did for us was to bring the customers all into one funnel and give us the ability to create wallets and have that recurring payment that we could call on demand.

Adam Osborn Head of Technology

See Retention & Recovery in Action