Consumers Make Switch to Connected-TV

MPP Global Posted by MPP Global on Wednesday, 16 February 2011

Our prediction that connected-TV is going to dominate the home entertainment industry looks set to be right on track.

A new survey has revealed that a third of broadband-connected Americans are already accessing the internet via their TVs, a trend that is surely going to be repeated here in the UK and across the rest of Europe.

The research showed that TV programs or movies (68%), weather (65%) and gaming (64%), are the most common types of content accessed via internet connected-TV. It also found that two in five consumers were interested in content relevant to the commercials they had watched.

The results of the survey are a clear indicator of the amazing opportunities for companies to monetise digital content via connected-TV.

At MPP Global, we have worked hard to ensure our advanced eCommerce solutions are already tailored to meet the potential from this growing market.

The humble “box” is undergoing a radical transformation from basic television to a medium for connecting to the internet to view, shop and chat.

If your eCommerce strategy isn’t tuned into connected TV – it is time to make the switch now.