Every Cloud has a Silver eCommerce Lining

MPP Global Posted by MPP Global on Friday, 17 December 2010

The US Government has announced a major drive to promote cloud-based technology and shared services as part of its strategy to keep down operational costs.

The beauty of course with internet-based cloud technology is that it removes the need to invest in costly and often redundant hardware – so I can see why this would be attractive across the global public sector.

But it also provides the basis of an effective eCommerce service to the companies MPP Global works with in the TV, film, radio, ISP, telco, newspaper and publishing industries.

Cloud-based technology is a great way of delivering tailored eCommerce solutions and fits particularly well with the growth area of monetising digital content.

Through the technology, our advanced eCommerce service allows our clients to effectively have a “pay-as-you-go” approach – increasing capacity as and when there is a spike in traffic on their site, rather than the more costly fixed-fee approach.

By employing Software as a Service (SaaS) as a model of software deployment (where an application is hosted as a service provided to customers across the Internet), we eliminate the need to install and run the application on our client’s own computers.

This removes the burden of software maintenance, ongoing operation and support and allows MPP Global to provide this as part of its advanced eCommerce services.

On Monday I had the chance to speak at the Wallet in the Cloud – Payment Systems in Digital World event. The event was actually “sold out” so if you couldn’t get a ticket and want to find out how cloud-based technology could be part of your eCommerce strategy, then please do contact us.