HTML: Tags and Keywords for eCommerce Success

MPP Global Posted by MPP Global on Friday, 02 April 2010

We at MPP Global have a wide range of eCommerce and mobile marketing solutions for your company. With the growth in smartphone technology, our SEO mobile marketing solutions are essential to both. Here, we share some of our knowledge with you – it starts by understanding how search engine results are displayed.

When search engines display results, they include each web page’s title tag, up to around 80 characters. This tag is the most important thing to consider when aiming for high SEO rankings. No matter how stunning your graphics, or how sophisticated your streaming media, they will count for nothing if the title tags aren’t spot on.

Search engines put a high priority on the keywords used in title tags. The most successful eCommerce sites create tags of 80 characters or less, and include both targeted keyword phrases, (i.e. the phrases people type into boxes when they do their searches) and CTA (call to action) words. These are words that command you to do something. Words like “search” or “find”, in other words.

Every page on your eCommerce site should have its own unique title tag, which should contain keywords that describe your page content in the most descriptive way possible. It’s essential the keyword phrases make a readable sentence. Don’t just put a line of keywords – include “stop” words too, or the search engines will read it as spam and may blacklist you.

We at MPP Global have in-depth knowledge of how search engines operate. Our eCommerce solutions ensure your website will be placed high in the rankings, ensuring success for your business.