Monetising Digital Content

MPP Global Posted by MPP Global on Wednesday, 27 October 2010

I recall many experts predicted the recession would be over by now – but that was about three, long years ago.

Today everyone just seems to accept the recession is going to be with us for a while longer and companies press on with the business of doing business.

However, they say every cloud has a silver lining – and in tough economic times companies need to be more creative when looking for sources of extra revenue.

In buoyant markets, businesses could rely on “cash rich” consumers and lucrative traditional revenue streams, such as advertising.

And in those “good old days” if companies were guilty of anything it was probably complacency. Even blue chip companies didn’t focus on driving up income from digital content – probably because they didn’t have to.

But in a recession, where market competition is tougher than ever, every business should be looking at how to monetise its digital content.

The most successful companies are doing it – so if you are not, you might want to ask why not?