MPP Global Publishing Poll: Converting Readers Into Subscribers is Key Priority

MPP Global Sunday, 20 July 2014

Turning newspaper readers into loyal subscribers is one of the major challenges facing publishers in the digital paid content market.

This was the key finding of new research carried out by MPP Global during its latest webinar on emerging models in paid content. It was discovered in the poll that some 79 per cent of publishers are looking to address how to turn their readers into digital subscribers as a priority.

With Ofcom having reported in May that online news consumption has now equalled print readerships for the first time, digital monetization is a key challenge for firms. However, it’s not possible to achieve this goal without knowing how to convert readers.

One way to address the challenge is to employ a robust and cloud-based CRM and eCommerce platform, such as MPP Global’s eSuite​.

eSuite, which has been designed specifically for the media, can help publishers turn readers into subscribers through the analysis of data, with the CRM system enabling publishers to analyse customer interactions and payments to track behavioral patterns in customer enquiries and what they want to read, which helps them create a strategy to attract new subscribers.

They can also make use of MPP Global’s back office management module, eHQ, to create effective marketing messages that are targeted at those they are trying to turn into paid subscription customers.

Outdated, rigid websites are also a concern for 26 per cent of publishers, who realise that while customers want to be able to switch between platforms and access content anywhere, their systems just don’t enable them to offer such rich features or update pricing structures and subscriptions to meet demand regularly.

eSuite HQ also eradicates the problems created by inflexible legacy platforms. Whereas in the past, websites were slow to update, hard to keep modern and difficult to change, the use of an effective CRM platform enables more flexibility and adaptability, letting companies quickly introduce new offers, launch new products and make changes to pricing structures.

Other challenges unearthed as a part of the webinar poll can be tackled with pertinent CRM and back office management. This includes making use of data surrounding customer payments and managing pricing or products, which was an issue raised by 24 per cent of those surveyed.

Paul Johnson, Chief Executive Officer of MPP Global, said: “Our webinar poll clearly shows that there are a number of common challenges that arise in paid content models, with the majority of publishers having real concerns over how to turn their readers into subscribers, and many feeling unsure over the use of old websites’ architecture in new strategies or analyzing the data at hand.

“In a world where paid strategies are more and more common, an effective CRM system is needed to address these challenges and find effective solutions. This can all be done through the use of eSuite and our back office management platform, eHQ, which enables diverse and rich functionality to keep the product high quality and fluid, which is key to attracting new subscribers.”

MPP Global recently explored the changing face of paid content around the world in a new infographic.