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Posts Tagged: consumer data

Posted by Scott O'Neill on Monday, 08 February 2016

Customer Acquisition: What’s Best for the Reader is Best for You

Paid content is no longer a dream, ROI’s have been realized, and digital products are bolstering profits for many publishers globally. Conversely, consumers are increasingly willing to pay for quality,...

Posted by Julian Morelis on Wednesday, 09 December 2015

Personalization and Promotions: Reach Out to Consumers this Holiday Season

Everyone is interested in a good offer. Whether this is a discount on your meal or a reduced rate for an online subscription. With the holiday season upon us everyone...

Posted by Scott O'Neill on Tuesday, 01 December 2015

Ad Blocking for Publishing: How to Really Interpret the Recent Hype?

Like you, we’ve sat back over the past few weeks listening to how the publishing industry interprets the recent buzz around ad blockers. By now we’re all aware of what...

Posted by Scott O'Neill on Monday, 16 November 2015

Actionable Data: 8 Metrics Which Fuel Digital Content Growth

Let’s get the clichés and buzzwords out of the way, data is arguably becoming the new currency for publishers across the globe, as data should inform the strategy in order...

Posted by Ana Lobb on Wednesday, 04 November 2015

Digital Strategies and Paywalls: No Longer a Guessing Game?

Having recently returned from the WAN-IFRA World Expo and INMA World Congress, what I have learnt is that many publishers are still unsure of which models to go for when...


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